Easy accessibility to casinos, they suggest, encourages some people to gamble who otherwise would not and should not. Still others point out that casinos provide a place for those who are prone to problem gambling to act on those urges.
Others are wary of an industry that was associated with mobsters, swindlers, and corrupt politicians throughout much of its history in this country. Some disapprove of gambling on religious grounds, because it contradicts moral principles of thrift, hard work, and sober living. Opponents are less unified in their opinions. Those who support casino gambling generally do not see it as a moral issue. In a casino, participants exchange their money for a good time. Proponents of casino gambling consider it part of the leisure and entertainment sector -like amusement parks or movie theaters. Most relate to economics, but some address quality of life and moral issues. NATIONAL PUBLIC OPINION THE EFFECTS OF NATIVE AMERICAN CASINOS THE LACK OF BALANCED DATA PURE ECONOMICS DIRECT GOVERNMENT REVENUE EMPLOYMENT AND CAREERS TOURISM CRIME SUICIDE BANKRUPTCY COMPULSIVE GAMBLING UNDERAGE GAMBLING POLITICSĪssessing the effects of casinos on society is complicated because many factors have to be considered. Chapter 6 The Economic and Social Effects of Casinos